Helping you along the way

We’ve compiled a selection of answers to some common questions about Thistle Assistance.

If you’re not sure exactly how it works, or even if it’s right for you, please read on. You may know someone who would benefit from the Thistle Assistance card or app. The information below should help you explain the benefits of using the card or app.

Do I need to pay for the Thistle Assistance card and app?

No, the Thistle Assistance card and app are to use. The card can also be posted directly to your home free of charge.

Do the Thistle Assistance card and app give me a discount when travelling?

No, the Thistle Assistance card and app don’t provide any discounts when travelling. More information about concessionary travel in Scotland can be found on the National Entitlement Card website.

Where can I get the card?

You can request a card on the Get a card page. This page also has information about where you can pick up a card in your local area.

Can my organisation use the card?

We are happy for transport companies and community organisations to use the card to help members of the public and are happy to discuss sharing the design files so that you can design and print bespoke versions. Please get in touch.

How do I find information about planning my journey?

Please visit our friends at TravelLine Scotland.

Can I download and print Thistle Assistance promotional material and logos?

Yes you can! Please see our promotional materials page.

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